
showing 20 works out of 193

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Housses en Broderie et en Gallons (New Book of Slipcovers, in Embroidery and Galloons)

Daniel Marot

Plate 5 from Nouvelles Cheminées Faittes En Plusier En Droits de la Hollande (New Chimneypieces Made in a Number of Place in Holland)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Parterres contenant 24 penssez différantes (New Book of Garden Designs: Containing 24 Ideas)

Daniel Marot

Plate 6 from Nouvelles Cheminées Faittes En Plusier En Droits de la Hollande (New Chimneypieces Made in a Number of Place in Holland)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Parterres contenant 24 penssez différantes (New Book of Garden Designs: Containing 24 Ideas)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Troisième Livre de Perspectives (Third Book of Perspective)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Livre de Fontaines (Book of Fountains)

Daniel Marot

Plate 6 from Nouveaux Livre de Parterres (New Book of Ornamental Gardens)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from "Nouveaux Livre de Boïtes de Pendules de Coqs..." (New Book of Pendulum Clocks Pocketwatch Cases, and other things necessary to Clockmakers)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre d'Orfevrerie (New Book of Goldsmithing)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from Nouveau Livre de Plafond (The New Book of Ceilings)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveau Livre de Pintures de Salles et d'Escaliers (The New Book of Paintings for Rooms and Stairs)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Patrons d'Ettoffes et de Velours (Patterns of Fabric and Velvet)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Premier Livre de Tombeaux et Mozoles (First Book of Tombs and Mausoleums)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from Second Livre d'Orlogeries (Second Book of Clock-making/Watchmaking)

Daniel Marot

Plate from "Huit grands Tableaux illuminés du feu d'artifice..." (Eight Large Paintings Illuminated by Artillery Fire)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from Second Livre d'Appartements (Second Book of Apartments)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Lambris de Revestement à Panneaux (New Book of Paneling)