
Our collection currently contains more than 100,000 works of art and design dating from ancient times to today. Of these objects, 748 of them are on view in the museum now. 84,693 of them are available online. There are 1,596 recent acquisitions. All of our collection records are living documents. They are frequently revised and enhanced.

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showing 20 works out of 2629

RISDM 49-039-9.tif

Jacques Callot

L'Exercice de l'Arquebuse: La Preparation au Tir (The Exercise of the Arquebus: Preparation to Fire)
RISDM 47-778-11.tif

Jacques Callot

L'Homme au Gros Dos Orné d'une Rangée de Boutons (Man with Fat Back and Row of Buttons)
RISDM 47-778-9.tif

Jacques Callot

Le Duelliste à l'Epée et au Paignard (Duelist with Sword and Dagger)
RISDM 47-396-23.tif

John Baptist Jackson

Titiani Vecelii Paul Caliarii, Jacobi Robusti et Jacobi de Ponte; Opera Selection a Joanne Baptista Jackson, Angelo, Ligano Coelata et Coloribus Adumbrata