Exhibition Design

Out of Line Portfolio This was the introduction to Out of Line, an open studio space for RISD Museum visitors during the run of the exhibition Lines of Thought: Drawing from Michelangelo to Now From the British Museum (October 6, 2017–January 7, 2018).

The Origin of the Blues

An Interview with Artist Ariel Jackson Amber Lopez Curator Artist Nancy Prophet fellow Amber Lopez interviews artist Ariel Jackson her video *The Origin of the Blues*

Teen Museum Takeover

Student Voices Teens The Teen Intensive is an annual two-week program that brings teens together to explore their own creative processes by meeting with artists and museum staff, participating in art-making workshops, and working together to address ideas and issues that are important to them in the context of the RISD Museum.

Raid the Database 3

Heather Leigh McPherson Artist "Raid the Database with Heather Leigh McPherson" is the third installment in an ongoing project in which artists bring new curatorial perspectives to the museum's extensive collections.