American Drawings and Watercolors

Reginald Marsh Maureen C. O’Brien Curator Drawing Reginald Marsh, the son of American artists Fred Dana Marsh and Alice Randall Marsh, was born in Paris in 1898. He grew up in comfortable circumstances in Nutley, New Jersey, and was educated at Lawrenceville School and Yale University. In the early 1920s Marsh worked in New York as a freelance artist for magazines and newspapers, developing an energized drawing style that he used to illustrate city life and its various entertainments.

From Museum to Bedside

The Need for Museum Educators In Medical Education Jay Baruch, MD Clinical Arts Curator The RISD Museum continues to build a robust collaboration with Brown University's Alpert Medical School, providing professional-development opportunities for premedical students, medical students, residents, and practicing attending physicians.

Two Eggs, RISD Style

Elizabeth A. Williams Curator Artist The Museum recently acquired *Huevos de Los Angeles*, a collaborative work by two RISD alumni, Adam Silverman and David Wiseman. Here the artists describe how they created "eggs" to rival the most coveted variety.