
showing 20 works out of 4924

Daniel Marot

Plate from Troisième Livre de Perspectives (Third Book of Perspective)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveau Livre de Pintures de Salles et d'Escaliers (The New Book of Paintings for Rooms and Stairs)


Neues Groteschaen-Buchlein Durch Johann Schmischeck

Daniel Marot

Plate from a Series of Panels with the Four Elements: Fire

Daniel Marot

Plate from Manefiecke Carosse van sijn Mayesteyt van Groot Bretagne (Magnificent Carriage for his Majesty of Great Britain)/Dessins de Carrosses (Drawings of Carraiges)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Livre de Pintures de Salles et d'Escaliers (Book of Paintings for Rooms and Stairs)