
showing 20 works out of 9988

Jan van Doetechum the elder

View of a street bordered by houses descending into a town surrounded by a wall | View of a canal with vaulted bridge, grand staircase rising from the water in the right foreground

Reinier Vinkeles

The Drawing Academy at the association of artists Felix Meritis in Amsterdam

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Nichiren Prays for the Restless Spirit of the Cormorant Fisherman at the Isawa River, Edo (Japanese period)

Feng Ning

Battle of Lancaoping and Gunniupo, Qing


Nakamura Utaemon III as Matsuomaru Arashi Raishi II as Umeomaru and Onoe Kikugoro III as Sakuramaruin the scene "Pulling the carriage apart' (Kuruma biki) from the play Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy (Sugawara denju tenarai kagami), Edo (Japanese period)

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Nichiren Prays for the Restless Spirit of the Cormorant Fisherman at the Isawa River, Edo (Japanese period)

Mori Kansai

Nuthatcher on a Flowering Cherry Tree, Meiji

Jacob Hoefnagel

Riddle: my skin is red and white liquid is hidden within (Aenigma: Rubra mihi cutis est, latet intus niveus humor)