
showing 20 works out of 9988


Nakamura Utaemon III as Matsuomaru Arashi Raishi II as Umeomaru and Onoe Kikugoro III as Sakuramaruin the scene "Pulling the carriage apart' (Kuruma biki) from the play Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy (Sugawara denju tenarai kagami), Edo (Japanese period)

Hu Zhengyan

Models of Letter Paper of the Ten Bamboo Studio (Shizhuzhai jianpu)

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Nichiren Prays for the Restless Spirit of the Cormorant Fisherman at the Isawa River, Edo (Japanese period)


Nakamura Utaemon III as Matsuomaru Arashi Raishi II as Umeomaru and Onoe Kikugoro III as Sakuramaruin the scene "Pulling the carriage apart' (Kuruma biki) from the play Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy (Sugawara denju tenarai kagami), Edo (Japanese period)

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Nichiren Prays for the Restless Spirit of the Cormorant Fisherman at the Isawa River, Edo (Japanese period)


Nakamura Utaemon III as Matsuomaru Arashi Raishi II as Umeomaru and Onoe Kikugoro III as Sakuramaruin the scene "Pulling the carriage apart' (Kuruma biki) from the play Sugawara's secrets of calligraphy (Sugawara denju tenarai kagami), Edo (Japanese period)

Laura McPhee

Judy Tracking Radio-Collared Wolves From Her Yard Summer Range, H-Hook Ranch, Custer County, Idaho

Sage Sohier

British Red Coat Re-enactor Battle of Concord and Lexington, Lexington, MA