
showing 20 works out of 944

Jacques Callot

L'Homme au Ventre Tombant et au Chapeau très Élevé (Man with the Falling Stomach and Very High Hat)

Daniel Marot

Plate from "Nouveaux Livre de Boïtes de Pendules de Coqs..." (New Book of Pendulum Clocks Pocketwatch Cases, and other things necessary to Clockmakers)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Cabinets de Jardins different ornée de Cascades (New Book of Garden Alcoves Decorated with Waterfalls)

Daniel Marot

Plate 3 from Nouveaux Livre des Bersseaux et Trilliages (New Book of Arbours and Trellises)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Livre de Statues propres à Tailler en Marbre et en pierre et aussi en Metaille (Book of Statues Appropriate for Carving in Marble Stone, and Metal)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveau Livre de Pintures de Salles et d'Escaliers (The New Book of Paintings for Rooms and Stairs)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Cabinets de Jardins different ornée de Cascades (New Book of Garden Alcoves Decorated with Waterfalls)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from Nouveaux Livre d'Orfevrerie (New Book of Goldsmithing)