
showing 20 works out of 944

Daniel Marot

Plates from New Book of Pendulum Clocks Pocketwatch Cases, and other Things Necessary to Clockmakers (Nouveaux Livre de Boïtes de Pendules de Coqs . . . )

Daniel Marot

Plate from Second Livre d'Orlogeries (Second Book of Clockmaking/Watchmaking)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Cheminées à la Hollandaise (New Book of Dutch Chimneypieces)

Daniel Marot

Plate from Nouveaux Livre de Tableaux de Portes et cheminée utiles aux Peintres (New Book of Door Panels and Chimneypieces Useful for Painters)

Daniel Marot

Plate 1 from Second Livre d'Ornements (Second Book of Ornaments)

Daniel Marot

Plate from "Huit grands Tableaux illuminés du feu d'artifice..." (Eight Large Paintings Illuminated by Artillery Fire)

Daniel Marot

Plate 2 from Nouveaux Livre des Bersseaux et Trilliages (New Book of Arbours and Trellises)