
showing 20 works out of 36

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Art Handler holding Alonzo Chappel painting "The Landing of Roger Williams")

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Art handler with William Merritt Chase painting "Portrait of a Lady in Pink")

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Framed French wallpaper photographed at angle)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Detail of Joseph Paelinck painting "Portrait of William I King of the Netherlands)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Sculpture storage with "Portrait of Agrippina the Younger")

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Painting storage with Matthias Stomer painting "Christ at the Column" and painting "Neopolitan Actors" attributed to Pier-Leone Ghezzi)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Florine Stettheimer painting "Bouquet for Ettie" on storage rack)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Detail of Joseph Paelinck painting "Portrait of Frederica Wilhelmine Queen of the Netherlands)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Edgar Degas pastel "Ballet Girl", in storage)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Paul Cezanne painting "Still Life with Apples", in storage)

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Charles Sheeler Painting "Yankee Clipper" )

Andy Warhol

Untitled (Double exposure of polychrome Christ on Crucifix and painting "Cleopatra" after Guido Reni)