
Our collection currently contains more than 100,000 works of art and design dating from ancient times to today. Of these objects, 748 of them are on view in the museum now. 84,693 of them are available online. There are 1,596 recent acquisitions. All of our collection records are living documents. They are frequently revised and enhanced.

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showing 20 works out of 36

RISDM 50-372-5.tif

Odilon Redon

Le Souffle Qui Conduit Les Etres Est Aussi Dans les Sphères (The Breath that leads Living Creatures is also in the Spheres)
RISDM 50-372-2.tif

Odilon Redon

Devant Le Noir Soleil de la Mélancolie Lénore Apparait (Before the Black Sun of Melancholy, Lenore Appears)
RISDM 50-372-1.tif

Odilon Redon

L'oeil comme un ballon bizarre se dirige vers l'infini (The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Moves Toward Infinity)
RISDM 50-372-4.tif

Odilon Redon

A l' Horizon l' Ange des Certitudes, et Dans le Ciel Sombre un Regard Interrogateur (On the Horizon, the Angel of Certitudes, and in the Dark Sky, A Questioning Glance)
RISDM 50-372-3.tif

Odilon Redon

Un Masque Sonne le Glas Funèbre (A Mask sounds the funeral knell)
No Image Available

Paul Gavarni

Après ça ç' ui qui n' adop' ra pas ...
No Image Available

Paul Gavarni

Mes Locataires du Cintième Eux Mariés? ...
No Image Available

Paul Gavarni

C' est Egal Mosieu Dés Ormay, Une Opinion ...
No Image Available

Henri Grevedon

Portrait of S.A.R. Madame La Duchesse de Nemours