A Look Into Our Collection’s Polaroid Photographs by Andy Warhol

When you think of Andy Warhol’s works you think of Marilyn Monroe, Campbell Soup Cans, and maybe even a Brillo Box. Lesser known are the thousands of Polaroid photographs Warhol captured from 1970 up until his death in 1987. In addition to acting as works of art on their own, these photographs served as the basis for Warhol’s portraits, silkscreen paintings, drawings, and prints.

The RISD museum is fortunate enough to have around 120 Andy Warhol polaroid photographs in its collection. This animated short film explores Warhol’s photographic practice as well as the subjects he captured.

Tatiana Mandis (Brown BA 2023, History of Art and Architecture) lead this project on behalf of the RISD Museum. The purpose of the film is to educate the public about RISD’s Andy Warhol Polaroid Photograph Collection in an engaging way.


The Team consisted of the following Brown University students:

Adelle Clark (Brown BA 2024)

Tatiana Mandis (Brown BA 2023)

Harrison Katz (Brown BA 2023)

Julien Robson (Brown BA 2023)

The Team was advised by and worked closely with the following members of the RISD Museum:

Jeremy Radtke, Director of Digital Initiatives

Deborah Clemons, Director of Public Programs

Jan Howard, former Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs. Curator of the RISD Museum’s 2014 Exhibition “Andy Warhol’s Photographs”

The Brown Arts Institute provided a grant for the students involved in this project.