Powers of Observation
Powers of Observation is a series that compares and contrasts objects from different cultures, united by a common theme each week. Participants will work together to develop our close looking skills through conversation driven by inquiry and guided by museum educator Hanna Exel. By applying tools that we all carry with us–observation, curiosity, and lived experience–to works of art in the Museum’s collection, we can better understand other cultures and time periods. Free.
Dates: April 13 and 20.Registration required. After registering an email will be sent with a Zoom link to access the program.
Register for all dates
Register for April 13
Hanna Exel holds an MA in Art History from Tufts University, where her research focused on artistic responses to the early years of the AIDS pandemic. Hanna uses an object-centered and inquiry-based approach to engaging with art, which has been honed through her experience as a youth development worker and positions at art institutions including MoMA and the New Museum.
Image: Odilon Redon, L'oeil, comme un ballon bizarre se dirige vers l'infini (The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Moves Toward Infinity), 1882. Gift of Murray S. Danforth, Jr.