Board of Governors
The RISD Museum Board of Governors provides oversight of the RISD Museum on behalf of RISD’s Board of Trustees and assists and supports the Museum in fulfilling its mission to acquire, preserve, exhibit, and interpret works of art and design representing diverse cultures from ancient times to the present.
Below is a listing of current members of the RISD Museum Board of Governors for the 2024 – 2025 term.
- Governors
Robert A. DiMuccio, Chair *
Karen Hammond, Vice Chair *
Andrew Green, M.D., Vice Chair
Caroline Baumann *
Alma Guerrero Bready, M.D.
Helen Burnham
Glenn M. Creamer
Ashley Cullion
Allison Dessel
Robert W. Glass P 11 *
Mara Hermano
Doris Licht
Melissa Long, J.D.
Mary Lovejoy *
Ann Metcalf
Pauline C. Metcalf HD 10 +
Stephen Metcalf +
Zesty Meyers
Meghan Reilly Michaud 01 GD
Frances Middendorf 82 IL
Helene J. Miller
Nicole J. Miller 73 AP *
Robert P. Mitchell
Alan Nathan
Sonja O'Donell P 22 *
Seth Price
Allison Roberts MFA 09 PR
Adam Silverman BArch 88 / P 28
Gloria Spivak
Toots Zynsky 73 SC / P 10* denotes RISD Trustee | + denotes Emeriti RISD Trustee
- Honorary
Jane Chace Carroll +
Kathryn M. Parsons+ denotes Emeriti RISD Trustee
- Ex Officio
Hillary Blumberg 92 FAV, RISD Board of Trustees Co-Chair
Ilene Chaiken 79 GD / P 18, RISD Board of Trustees Co-Chair
Touba Ghadessi, RISD Provost
Tsugumi Maki, RISD Museum Director
Crystal Williams, RISD President
Fine Arts Committee
The Fine Arts Committee (Committee) is appointed to assist the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Museum (Museum) Board of Governors (Board) in overseeing the growth and evolution of the Museum’s collection.
- Advise the Museum Director and Museum Staff on and approve all acquisitions, including both purchases and gifts (including partial and promised gifts); deaccessions; and incoming and outgoing loans.
- Advise the Museum Director and Museum Staff on all other issues of collection care.
- Periodically review the Museum’s Collection Management Policy and Code of Ethics.
- Approve any exceptions to the Museum’s Collection Management Policy; this power may be exercised by the Chair of the Committee jointly with the Museum Director.
- Monitor progress on those Board-approved goals relating to the Committee’s responsibilities.
- Perform such other, related duties as the Committee or Board deems necessary or appropriate.
- Establish, annually review, and update as needed a work plan for carrying out the Committee’s responsibilities.
- Annually review and reassess the adequacy of the charter and the Committee’s performance and effectiveness.
- Recommend any appropriate actions for consideration by the Executive Committee.
Below is a listing of current members of the RISD Museum Fine Arts Committee.
- Fine Arts Committee
Andrew Green, M.D., Chair
Sage Gerson °
Jay Glasson
Maria Hambourg
Juana I. Horton
Judy Mann
Pauline Metcalf HD 10 • +
Stephen Metcalf • +
Frances Middendorf 82 IL
Rebecca (Becky) More
Alfred T. Morris, Jr.
Susan Morris
Allison Roberts MFA 09 PR
Bill Tsiaras
George Waterman• denotes Museum Governor | ° denotes RISD Faculty | * denotes RISD Trustee | + denotes Emeriti RISD Trustee | ± denotes Honorary Museum Governor
- Non-voting Ex Officio Members
Touba Ghadessi, RISD Provost
Tsugumi Maki, RISD Museum Director
Crystal Williams, RISD President