
The projects and programs of the RISD Museum engage diverse audiences with the collection, the making of the objects within it, and the ideas they present. These initiatives provide access, offer multiple points of view, ask rigorous questions, and inspire imagination and creativity.

We invite you to share your vision for activating our collections and exploring artistic materials and processes. From a happening in our galleries to a series of interventions on our website or a creative use of social media, possibilities abound. We look forward to reviewing what you have dreamed up.

Please note: This opportunity is related to programs or events, and does not extend to exhibitions in the Museum galleries. Proposals will be reviewed by Museum staff, who will be in touch within two weeks. We regret that not all requests can be accommodated.

Please read the following important information and complete the proposal form below.


Focus on objects from the Museum’s collections

Connect with makers and experts from other disciplines

Engage new audiences

Past Examples:

Here are some things that we’ve done previously: artist-led workshops, site-specific performances, music in the galleries, tours with a twist, guest blog posts, hands-on experiences, resources and experiences for K-12 teachers and students, and more. We’re always interested in new experiments and ideas that open up the creative process and engage our collection.

Related Links:

Read about past projects and happenings from the Museum blog and other sites.

J.R. Uretsky writes about her performance ‘Bromance’

Andrew Raftery (RISD Faculty, Printmaking) reflects on copying an old master drawing

Simcha Davis shares her design for Museum benches

Planning Your Proposal:

We encourage you to attend an event to get a sense of our space, audiences, and how things work. Please introduce yourself to the staff present so we can meet you, too!


All activities and materials must be safe for the collection and visitors. Some guidelines include: low sound and vibration levels; no flammables, toxic vapors, organic matter, or food. Other restrictions may apply.

Submit proposal