Defiance! Art and Life


Following her initial dramatic reading of Nancy Elizabeth Prophet’s Paris diary at RISD Museum in 2014 and at the Brooklyn Museum of Art in 2015, Sylvia Ann Soares created and performed sixteen versions of solos in her Defiance! series on Prophet. In Defiance! Art and Life Soares again visits primary sources to re-explore aspects and chapters of Prophet’s life. Here, months before her passing, a wiser, yet impassioned Prophet emotionally recalls struggles and successes of her career and choices. Throughout her fiscal, physical and artistic challenges, Prophet defiantly pursued her drive to sculpt. Likewise, Prophet’s affiliation with W.E.B. DuBois, teaching at Spelman College, recipient of racial misrepresentation, and her poetry and essay on “Art and Life” informs Soares’ choices portraying Prophet as she expounds on her philosophy of art and life.