Hidden Beauty

College Studio Notes Artist Inspired by the European galleries, graphic designer Kelly Walters explores 19th-century notions of exoticism and beauty through the creation of a folded broadsheet poster.

More Is More

The Inimitable Designs of Carlo Bugatti Elizabeth A. Williams Curator An eclectic mix of North African, Moorish, Middle Eastern, and Japanese aesthetics, this desk and table are the original creations of Italian designer Carlo Bugatti.

Memories, Nostalgia, and Moving Forward

India Timpani Studio Notes Teens The RISD Museum was an essential part of my childhood. On weekends and school vacations, I wandered the galleries, old-school Utrecht sketchbook in one hand, pencil in the other, closely followed by my mother just in case I carelessly brushed up against something priceless. As I’ve grown, I’ve felt the Museum growing with me. This ever-evolving place never fails to fascinate me.