
Our collection currently contains more than 100,000 works of art and design dating from ancient times to today. Of these objects, 771 of them are on view in the museum now. 84,637 of them are available online. There are 1,546 recent acquisitions. All of our collection records are living documents. They are frequently revised and enhanced.

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showing 20 works out of 24

Odilon Redon

Je Suis Toujours la Grande Isis! Nul n' a Encore Soulevé mon Voile! Mon Fruit est le Soleil! (I am still the Great Isis! No body has ever lifted my veil! My fruit is the Sun!)

Odilon Redon

Portrait du peintre Édouard Vuillard (Portrait of the French Painter Edward Vuillard)
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Odilon Redon

Et il Distingue une Plaine Aride et Mamelonneuse (And he discerns an arid knoll-covered plain)
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Odilon Redon

C'est moi Jean, qui ai vu et qui ai ouï ces choses (And I, John, saw these things and I heard them)
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Odilon Redon

Et un autre ange sortit du temple qui est au ciel ayant lui aussi une faucille tranchante (And another angel came out of the temple which is heaven, and he also had a sharp sickle)
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Odilon Redon

Et celui qui était monté dessus se nommait la Mort (And the rider was called Death)
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Odilon Redon

Après cela je vis descendre du ciel un ange qui avait la clef de l'abîme... (And I saw an angel coming down from Heaven having the key of the bottomless pit)
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Odilon Redon

Et le diable qui les séduisait, fut jeté dans l'étang de feu et de soufre, où sont la bête et le faux prophète (And the devil that decieived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone...)
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Odilon Redon

et il tomba du ciel une grande étoile ardente comme un flambeau. (and there fell from heaven a great star, burning as a torch)
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Odilon Redon

Une femme revètue du Soleil (A Woman clothed with the Sun)