Nicole Eisenman’s Raid the Icebox Now installation presents a bar called Kiki’s Backdoor, where medieval to contemporary works from the museum’s collection are arranged to draw attention to their humanity. Party lights rake the canvases, casting strips of blue, red, and green across the faces that line the walls of the club, bringing them all into the present moment with us. Out back behind the dumpster, sculptures wait in line to be let in.
This presentation includes short fiction by Providence writer Matthew Lawrence, accompanied by video vignettes. Three characters encounter each other at the museum. Interest piqued, they visit a gay bar later that evening. Time and space become increasingly skewed as the museum space cross-pollinates with the bar space. Museum portraits form a gossipy Greek chorus, ridiculous blue drinks are imbibed, small groups of bargoers have excessive amounts of fun, and the outcome of the evening remains unclear.

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This chapter accompanies the exhibition Raid the Icebox Now with Nicole Eisenman: Tonight We Are Going Out and We Are All Getting Hammered, on view at the RISD Museum November 1, 2019–July 19, 2020. Authored by Matthew Lawrence. Creative direction by Matthew Lawrence and Carson Evans. Curatorial support by Dominic Molon. Designed by Carson Evans. Additional production support by Carolyn Gennari, Erik Gould, Arielle Eisen, Amy Auman, and Jeremy Radtke. Performances by Kourtnie F. Aileru, Lindsay Crudele, Maureen Eckart, Alejandra Faella, Michelle Faella, Carolyn Gennari, Gil Pimentel, Jed Ryan, Timothy Scholl, Ellen Zahniser. Hair and makeup by Alejandra Faella and Michelle Faella.
Featured Collection Objects
RISDM 22.220. Gilbert Stuart. Portrait of George Washington, ca. 1805. Public Subscription Fund.
RISDM 54.147.82. Friedrich Brockmann. Portrait of a Man, 1827. Bequest of Miss Ellen D. Sharpe.
RISDM 2002.97.1. William Jennys. Mr. Elijah Bates, 1800. Anonymous loan, Gift of W.B. Greenough III, Harriet G. Luck, and Estate of Ann G. Richards.
RISDM 66.057. Auguste Rodin. Study for the Monument to Balzac, 1892. Museum purchase with funds donated by the Museum Associates, Museum Members and Friends.
RISDM 1991.142. Henry Benbridge. Portrait of Anne Brindley, 1776. Gift of the Wunsch Foundation, Inc.
RISDM 1989.043. Cephas Giovanni Thompson. Mrs. Charles DeWolf (Mary Goodwin), 1806. Gift of the Wunsch Foundation, Inc..
RISDM 59.027. Édouard Manet. Repose (Le Repos), ca. 1871. Bequest of Mrs. Edith Stuyvesant Vanderbilt Gerry.
RISDM 23.315. Edgar Degas. Grand Arabesque, Second Time, ca. 1885-1890 (cast ca. 1919–1922). Gift of Stephen O. Metcalf, George Pierce Metcalf and Houghton P. Metcalf.
RISDM 41.012. Paul Cézanne. Still Life with Apples, ca. 1878. Gift of Mrs. Murray S. Danforth.
RISDM 67.089. Raymond Duchamp-Villon. Seated Woman, cast 1915. Mary B. Jackson Fund and Museum Membership Fund.
RISDM 63.072. American. Portrait of Mrs. Ophelia Baker, ca. 1827-1835. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Baker.
RISDM 57.294. Northern European, Denmark. Portrait of a Young Lady, ca. 1820. Gift of Julius H. Weitzner.
RISDM 44.674. Giambologna. River God (The Virile Age; The Euphrates), ca. 1575. Museum Works of Art Fund and Museum Special Reserve Fund.
RISDM 37.201. Joseph Chinard. Bust of Madame Récamier, after 1801. Gift of Mrs. Harold Brown.
RISDM 62.009. Rev. Matthew William Peters. Lydia, ca. 1776. Gift of Mrs. Guy Fairfax Cary.
RISDM 44.161. Attributed to Pier-Leone Ghezzi. A Musical Group, ca. 1730. Museum Appropriation Fund.