The future is an abstract concept, hard to decode and difficult to predict. A summer intern reflects on fashion and future in this creative writing piece.
Agrippina the Younger watches as men of the emperor move nearer and nearer to her. They carry weapons. Having survived one attempt on her life, she knows that she will not survive another.
Editor of publications Amy Pickworth, intern Joanna Cortez, and curatorial assistant of contemporary art A. Will Brown interview UuDam Tran Nguyen about his single channel video Waltz of The Machine Equestrians--The Machine Equestrians (2012).
Curatorial assistant of contemporary art A. Will Brown interviews artist Steffani Jemison about her film *Maniac Chase* (2009), *Escaped Lunatic* (2010–2011) and Personal (2014)
The discovery of these treasures resembles that of a valuable manuscript. They are a new “Codex Africanus,” not written on fragile papyrus, but in ivory and imperishable brass.
These are additional resources we’ve found useful to engage in dialogue and to provide information around environmental and climate issues, impacts and actions.