Tanks, but No Tanks: Gravel and the Museum

Anna Rose Keefe College Student Voices During my summer internship, I saw hundreds of fabulous garments, shoes, and accessories arrive for the Spring 2016 exhibition on fashion designer Todd Oldham. As an intern in the Costume and Textiles Department and a textile conservation student, I was asked, for one of my projects, to research how the materials going in the exhibition space might react with the clothes. Pollutants that we live with every day, such as car exhaust, bright light, and dust, can do irreversible damage to art.

Condition and Locations

Arianna Riva Student Voices Inventories have been occurring almost since the beginning of museum practice, but they have changed entirely from their original form.

Written in Gems

RISD Art Circle explores Ancient Greek and Roman Intaglios RISD Art Circle Teens As part of the RISD Art Circle (RAC), we create opportunities for visitors to learn about objects more deeply and to experience hands-on making. Our first project was to do an activity on Gallery Night. It was challenging because we had to figure out how to work together as a group, but the learning process was important and eventually brought us closer together.

As Is Painting, So Is Poetry

Myth and Metamorphosis in the RISD Gallery Anthony Stott College Student Voices Curatorial intern Anthony Stott explores the journey of the myths of Ovid—from text to visual medium—in three objects in the neoclassical galleries.