RISD Art Circle 2018-2019

The RISD Art Circle (RAC) is a group of young artists and art enthusiasts who explore the RISD Museum collection and activate the Museum galleries through events, interpretative projects, community collaborations, and hands-on learning activities, inspiring all of us to see the world in a creative way. The 2018/2019 RAC collaborates with teens and artists to create projects and programs that showcase the connections between art and the lives of young people.

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Sam is into making clothing and art with crippling self-doubt. When not agonizing over his work he can be found hanging out with friends while listening to Brockhampton.

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When Maxine is not sleeping or eating, she is a hard worker who likes to get things done. She expresses herself creatively through drawing, ceramics, photography and nail art.

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Callen is a firm believer in the idea that sleeping is work and relaxation is stressful. It's hard to catch him in one place for very long, but he hopes that if you do, you have a good laugh!

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James expresses himself through art and fashion and is a strong believer in being yourself. He dreams of becoming bigger than life itself.

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Cody is an Asian-American photographer and graphic designer with hopes of making it big in the fashion industry. He loves to talk and work with others. His two cats are his greatest muses.

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Sarah is a self-taught artist who likes to draw, paint, and read poetry and hopes to one day use her creative skills in the art field. She is an activist for women’s rights and equality.


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Caleb is an artist, athlete, and architecture admirer with a love for various music genres. When Caleb isn't gazing up at buildings or playing soccer, he is passionately painting and collaging in his room that doubles as his studio.


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Cecily is an artist, poet, and performer who is into happenings and mystic circles. In her free time, you'll most likely find her at a coffee shop sketching or curled up with her cat.

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Travis is a writer with an obsession for details. This helps them analyze art and literature, navigate social circles, and contemplate life’s greatest questions (to which they have all the answers).

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Josephine is a lover of noise rock, La Croix Passionfruit seltzer, cats, and is just a little bit obsessed with thrift shopping. She plans on pursuing film and video as a major, with an emphasis on avant-garde and documentary filmmaking.

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Madelyn is an Afro-Latina artist who is good at multitasking and getting things done. She can be very quiet and simple but uses this as an advantage.


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Ava is a feline enthusiast, cinephile, and artist who enjoys pondering about existential mysteries and sketching during class.

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Nicole is odd at times and often retreats into her own mind to expand on her own ideas of the sliver of the world that is in front of her. Nicole loves spicy candy and photography.

Photo credit: Satya Varghese Mac


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2014 - 2015 | 2015 - 2016 | 2016 - 2017 | 2017 - 2018 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022