A Chorus of Chirps, Hums, and Buzzes Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Japanese Print Gallery May 24 - November 10, 2019
Feathers, Flowers, Talons and Fangs Power and Serenity in Japanese Nature Prints February 2 - June 10, 2007
If Insects Could Speak Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Early Nineteenth Century July 29 - September 11, 1994
If Insects Could Speak Japanese Woodblock Prints of Grasses and Insects from the Early Nineteenth Century July 6 - September 2, 1990
The Beauty of Black in Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Abbey Aldrich Rockefeller Collection March 20 - April 6, 1990
Performances and Screenings / Musical Performance Community MusicWorks Sonata Series January 18, 2018 / 7-8:30 pm